2030 Priorities and Ambition
Strategic Objectives
Our Vision, Purpose, and Values
Navigating the Challenges
Measures of success
Securing our future
Strategic Themes

Measure | 2021-22 Target | 2030 Target |
14. Staff engagement | 77% | 80% and above |
15. Best Companies to work for certification | - | Achieve Best companies to work for certification and Best place to work award by 2030 |
16. International academic staff ratio (QS) (world rank) | 131 | 100 |
17. Industry staff ratio | <20 | • At least 1 Professor of Practice per Department |
18. Diversity in leadership and governance roles | 1. Minoritised Ethnic Groups in senior roles 13.55% 2. Female Senior roles | 1. Minoritised Ethnic Groups in senior roles to at least 30% 2. Female senior roles to at least |
19. Number of staff completing Entrepreneurial Bootcamps | Above benchmark | 100 staff per annum, 700 by 2030 |
20. Number of staff undertaking leadership and management development | Above benchmark | 100 staff per annum, 700 by 2030 |
21. Community engaged on campus on university business | 5, 000 | 25, 000 |
22. Companies incubated / embedded on campus / Hubs | 8 (live spin outs) 41 (graduate starts incubated) | 50 (live spin-outs) 100 (graduate starts incubated) |
23. Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Gas consumption per Emissions per | Net zero emissions by end of 2030 |
The link below will take you to our website with the tables of success.
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* This measure and target will be subject to change as the university finalises its Access and Participation plan in 2023-24.
We have established measures of success and introduced a comprehensive and rigorous strategy management system through which we will plan, monitor and communicate our progress. This will enable us to accurately monitor and manage the progress we are making towards achieving our vision, strategic objectives and outcomes.