2030 Priorities and Ambition
Strategic Objectives
Our Vision, Purpose, and Values
Navigating the Challenges
Measures of success
Securing our future
Strategic Themes

* This measure and target will be subject to change as the university finalises its Access and Participation plan in 2023-24.

We have established measures of success and introduced a comprehensive and rigorous strategy management system through which we will plan, monitor and communicate our progress. This will enable us to accurately monitor and manage the progress we are making towards achieving our vision, strategic objectives and outcomes.
The table below shows our measures of success with aspirational targets for 2030.
Measure | 2021-22 Target | 2030 Target |
1. Student Positivity | 76% | Top quartile |
2. Student Voice | 72% | Top quartile |
3. Postgraduate Taught Experience (PTES) | 82% | Top quartile |
4. Postgraduate Research Experience | 81% | Top quartile |
5. Access (OfS - Office for Students); Polar4 (Q1)* | 9.30% | Top decile |
6. Continuation (B3 / OfS) | Above benchmark | Above benchmark |
7. Completion (B3 / OfS) | Above benchmark | Above benchmark |
8. Progression (B3 / OfS) | Above benchmark | Above benchmark |
9. Ethnicity Awarding Gap | White - Black 11.1 pp | No gap (0) |
10. Graduate Employability | Top 27% | Top Quartile |
11. Percentage of programmes with professional accreditation / certification / endorsement | 62% | 100% |
12. Percentage of programmes with professional practice embedded | 60% | 100% |
13. Number of students completing Aston Power Skills | - | 100% |
The link below will take you to our website with the tables of success.
Find out more

* This measure and target will be subject to change as the university finalises its Access and Participation plan in 2023-24.
We have established measures of success and introduced a comprehensive and rigorous strategy management system through which we will plan, monitor and communicate our progress. This will enable us to accurately monitor and manage the progress we are making towards achieving our vision, strategic objectives and outcomes.